How to Start Exercise Book Manufacturing Business

Do you want to start a profitable notebook and exercise book manufacturing business with a small investment? Find here a business plan guide with machinery, raw material, and production process.
Actually, notebooks and exercise books are very popular school stationery items. Every student uses this item throughout his or her entire education career. Additionally, different types of notebooks, copybooks, pads, and registers are used in the different offices and business institutions.
Generally, the exercise book is popular as Khata in India, Scribbler in Canada, copybook in Ireland, and composition book in the USA.
The exercise bookmaking business is a financially profitable business. In addition to that, the business demands small capital investment for procuring machinery and raw materials.
Also, you can consider starting the business with a small covered area. And even you can start the business at home. So, if you want to start a small manufacturing business with low startup capital, then definitely you can consider this opportunity.
8 Steps Guide for Starting Exercise Book Manufacturing Business
Step 1: Exercise Book Manufacturing Business Market Potential
Generally, exercise book has a wide market both in the developing and developed countries. And the market for exercise notebooks is traditionally dominated by the unorganized segment. However, there several organized companies are also in the market.
Currently, the exercise notebook market is expanding at a decent pace. And there are several reasons behind it. Some of the major factors are the growing economy, high literacy levels, burgeoning middle-class, and enhanced scale of initiatives in the education sector.
Aesthetically and functionally improved notebooks, which come with innovative 3D covers, had witnessed an increasing demand in recent years. Additionally, the demand for different types of notepads, writing pads, and graph books are also growing.
Step 2: Different Types of Exercise Book
According to the size and use, there are different types of exercise books you can find on the market. However, you need to identify the exact demand for the specific type of notebooks in your locality. Here, we have compiled a list of different types of notebooks.
- Exercise books for students
- Notebook
- Graph book
- Drawing book
- Laboratory notebook
- Writing pad
- Scrapbook
- A graph-ruled composition book used in the United
Step 3: Business Plan
Regardless of the size of your business, you must craft a business plan for starting and running the business smoothly. Carefully, you need to select a single or 2 products initially for starting production. Gradually, you can enhance the product line later. Additionally, you must have a financial plan. Basically, these all will help you in getting finance also. Clearly, mention your marketing strategy. You must establish a brand reputation. So, you must have a plan and finance for that.
Step 4: License & Permission
Generally, this type of small business doesn’t demand any specific license or permission. However, it is better to check in your locality. Additionally, talk to a small business consultant. You need to register your business. Also, you must know the tax compliance liabilities of your business.
Read: How to Register a Company in India
Step 5: Establish the Unit
Establishing an exercise book-making unit is comparatively easier than in other businesses. With a 1000 Sq Ft covered area, you can start this business. Basically, you will need to have specific spaces for storage, machine installation, and keeping raw materials. If you don’t have any other office space, then you must have a specific space for administrative jobs like creating invoices, etc.
Step 6: Exercise Book Manufacturing Machine
You can initiate a small exercise book-making business with some simple machinery. However, the specific requirement depends on the production output. Some of the basic required machines are the following.
- Disk ruling machine
- Paper cutting machine
- Stitching machine
- Perforating machine
- Manual press
Step 7: Exercise Book Manufacturing Raw Materials
Some of the basic required raw materials are wood-free writing paper, printing ink, cover sheets, stitching wire, etc. Apart from the stitching wire, you can obtain the other raw materials from domestic sources.
For a small unit, it is better not to have the printer set up. And in that case, you can consider getting the cover pages printed by other printing companies.
Step 8: Exercise Book Manufacturing Process Technology
The manufacturing process of notebooks, registers, etc is quite simple. In this process, first of all, rule the white papers with the help of the ruling machine as per the local requirement. Then, fold the ruled paper sheets into the required size of the notebook (92/192 pages). Then after binding it with grey boards, labels, and covers paste on it.
It is better to procure the various multi-color attractive covers from the wholesale market. Also, you can consider getting your company-specific cover pages from other printing companies. After pasting the covers cut and give them the finishing touch. Also, you can follow the same procedure for making the registers also.
The ultimate success of an exercise book-making company highly depends on the distribution model. So, you must consider establishing an intensive retail distribution network for your product.

Hello, I’m Rupak Chakrabarty, a passionate advocate for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and the driving force behind MUVSI Consulting, where I serve as a dedicated small business coach. With years of experience in the entrepreneurial world and a deep-rooted commitment to helping SMEs thrive, I bring a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and guidance to aspiring and established business owners alike.